Monday, July 25, 2016

لاَ تَكُنْ ثَرْثَارََا - Do not be a Chatterbox

A short spoken word poetry inspired by the course لاَ تَكُنْ ثَرْثَارََا ( Do not be a chatterbox) taught by Sr.Aisha Altaf at the Olympic House Auditorium , Sri Lanka.  To know more about upcoming courses contact

Chitter chatter,
jibber jabber,
Oh! Don't we all just love to talk about every matter.
Heedless of the effects of the rumors we scatter,
which can cause a person's life to shatter.
Ms.BBC of the town, who are you trying to flatter?
People or the Creator?
When will you realize that silence is better

She confined in you hoping that you'll help her.
But you proved to be a traitor,
because you wanted to become popular.
Adding salt and spice you not just made her secret look greater,
but you also made your respect go down the elevator.
And congratulations on becoming a fabricator.

The problem lies with our inability to say 'i don't know',
even when our knowledge about the topic is low,
because we don't want to break our convos flow,
as our hearts are attached to the gossip of so and so,
But lo! It's not long before we get our blow,
on a day when our own limbs will become our foe.

Words need no permission to be heard.
Just someone to talk about a third.
We speak of him and her merely based on something we overheard.
Why do we have to live a life enslaved by the worldly standards?
Seriously! Has our vision become so obscured
that we don't realize that words are like birds,
once we let it fly, it's gone.

It's strange to know how hard the boneless tongue is to tame,
it has the power to lie, slander, backbite and defame.
Somebody doesn't have to be 6 feet underground for you to put dirt on their name.
So beware! because next time you might experience the same,
and when you do, you'll have no one to blame,
since you started the game
so today, you are at shame.
Wouldn't it have been better if you had restrained?

No matter what occasion,
we always have so much of irrelevant information
about someone's situation
which we pass on with no hesitation
creating a new social sensation,
with no boundaries or limitation
or proof for confirmation.
We talk of everything that pops in our mind without filtration.
Oh! How vain are our conversations.

Isn't it high time we lock up our jaws?
In obedience to Almighty Allah's laws.
The rule is simple: "Say something good or keep silent" it's not any hard jigsaw.
So let us all withdraw
from all the useless blah blahs
let's seek forgiveness for all our previous flaws
and adopt a life according to the lessons learnt from prophet's seerah.
Remember! If you want to reach a position where people look up to you in awe,
then my advice to you is:
لاَ تَكُنْ ثَرْثَارََا
(Do not be a Chatterbox)

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