Most of us know that وحي (wahi) is translated to revelation. But have we ever considered as to how much we know about it? In sha Allah this lessons aims to answer questions like: How wahi occurs?; How did prophet receive revelation? and so on.
Wahi occurs in two main ways i.e.
1. Without an intermediate
2. With an intermediate.
In the 1st type الله communicates directly with His prophets. This occurs either through a dream or الله is behind a curtain . These dreams that the prophets received is different from the dreams of ordinary human beings like us. As these special dreams indicate to the prophets something they are expected to do or it shows something that will occur in the future.
In the 1st type الله communicates directly with His prophets. This occurs either through a dream or الله is behind a curtain . These dreams that the prophets received is different from the dreams of ordinary human beings like us. As these special dreams indicate to the prophets something they are expected to do or it shows something that will occur in the future.
Examples where Allah communicated through/from:
a) Dreams:
a) Dreams:
- Prophet إبراهيم (Ibrahim ; Abraham) got the message to slaughter his son إسماعيل (Ismaeel) in a dream.
- The prophet مُحَمَّد (Muhammed) dreamed that he was making tawaf around the كعبة (ka'baa)when he was still in Madina(This dream became true after one year).
b)Behind the curtain:
- الله spoke to Prophet موسى (Musa) when he was in the Mount Sinai. (aka طور سيناء Ṭūr Sīnāʼ or جبل موسى Jabal Mūsá)
- الله spoke to Prophet مُحَمَّد during الإسراء (Isra)- during ascension to heaven.
NOTE: It is a must to believe in جبريل (A)as the only chosen angel who was sent to all the prophets. And it is mentioned in Surah Baqara-2 : v 98 :
Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael - then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.
Further it is important to note that no earthly creature has seen Allah including the prophets as we are unable to withstand the sight of the All-Mighty and All-Powerful.It is a blessing preserved for the hereafter for the true believers. As it is mentioned in Surah Al-Ar'raf -7 : v 143
And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, "My Lord, show me [Yourself] that I may look at You." [ Allah ] said, "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it should remain in place, then you will see Me." But when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He rendered it level, and Moses fell unconscious. And when he awoke, he said, "Exalted are You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers."
Also when the unlettered Prophet(SAL) recited the beautiful verses of the Quran to which most of the people were attracted to, the disbelievers of Makkah called him a magician and they believed that these were in fact revelation from the devil. And Allah responded to this in the Qur'an in Surah Waqia - 56: 79 saying :
None touch it except the purified.
Indicating that جبريل (A) is pure and the Quran is NOT corrupted.
NOTE: The ayah above 56:79 which says :
which means "pure" . And this "purity" is not the type of purity that one can obtain from wudu but it refers to absolute purity, physically and internally (which is something no human being can achieve. It is referring to the angels.
None touch it except the purified.
Indicating that جبريل (A) is pure and the Quran is NOT corrupted.
NOTE: The ayah above 56:79 which says :
None touch it except the purified
Most of the people use this ayah to indicate that no one can touch the Quran except the one with wudhu (ablution). But it is important to understand that the word used here is :
Most of the people use this ayah to indicate that no one can touch the Quran except the one with wudhu (ablution). But it is important to understand that the word used here is :
which means "pure" . And this "purity" is not the type of purity that one can obtain from wudu but it refers to absolute purity, physically and internally (which is something no human being can achieve. It is referring to the angels.
Therefore, when Allah says that none shall touch it, it answers the accusation of the people who say that the wahi is from the devil. Moreover the word "it" does not refer to the Mushaf but the Quran in lawhin Mahfooz (Preserved tablet) as mentioned in surah Buruj- 85:22.
Ibn Kathir reported:
And the same word as shown above i.e. Muthaharoon has been used in another place in the Quran in Surah Abasa- 80:13-15 where Allah says:عن ابن عباس لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ ٱلْمُطَهَّرُونَ قال الكتاب الذي في السماء و عن ابن عباس لاَّ يَمَسُّهُ إِلاَّ ٱلْمُطَهَّرُونَ يعني الملائكةIbn Abbas said concerning the verse, “None touch it except the purified,” that this refers to the Book in the heavens and “the purified” refers to the angels.(Reference :Tafsir Ibn Kathir 56:79)
[It is recorded] in honored sheets,
Exalted and purified,
[Carried] by the hands of messenger-angels,
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